Thursday, April 9, 2015

RATNER'S 111 2nd Ave NYC

11 1/2" x 8 1/2" Pentel brush pen and Faber-Castell Pitt big brush pens in Moleskine A3 sketchbook. I was listening to an interview with Bob Mankoff on NPR during which I heard him say " I'm not arguing, I'm Jewish". So funny! It brought back memories of when we used to go to Ratner's deli after concerts at the Fillmore on the lower eastside in New York. It was in Ratner's where I heard a customer ask a waiter "Why are you arguing with me"?, and the waiter responded "I'm not arguing, I'm Jewish".The place was open 24 hours a day and the old waiters really took care of you. They also gave you an education. I learned a lot of phrases like "nosh", "haimisher mensch" and "schmooz". Those guys never smiled, but oh man...the food was delicious! Egg creams! Pastries! Cheese cake! Sigh! Today I wondered if it was still around but found out that it went out of business and closed about 10 years ago. So in a moment of nostalgia I drew this from one of the last photos taken of the place in it's final rundown condition. I'm sad that its gone but I cherish the memories that were made there.

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