Thursday, December 14, 2017


18" x 24"
Mixed media

This is the cover I did for a book by Tara van Dijk. I worked on it some more after it was published and made an alternate night time scene.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017


11" x 8 1/2"
#2 pencil, Pentel brush pen and Kuretake Fude brush in hand:book sketchbook

I reached up into the bathroom medicine cabinet that hangs directly above the toilet. The seat lid was up. As I lifted the prescription bottle by it's child proof screw cap it came off and three months worth of medicine flew in three directions. On the floor, in the bathtub and yes, of course, into the toilet!

Standing there in disbelief all I could mutter was "I can't believe this!" I repeated this several times using the F word and the S word. It didn't help.

Julie came in, sat down and cleaned up saving more than I thought could be saved. We discovered that I had placed the wrong cap on the bottle the last time I took a pill.

She hugged me and said to always remember when things like this happen ask yourself if this is a problem or just an inconvenience.

She's amazing and I more than love her.

Monday, December 11, 2017


11" x 8 1/2"
#2 pencil, Pentel brush pen, Faber Castell brushes, Kuretake Fude brush and white China marker in hand:book sketchbook

Norman Rockwell is one of my favorite artists. His illustrations are masterpieces. This is a study I made of of one small section of a larger painting he made in 1941 entitled Strictly A Sharpshooter


11" x 8 1/2"
#2 pencil, Pentel brush pen, Faber Castell brushes, Kuretake Fude brush and white China marker in hand:book sketchbook

Norman Rockwell is one of my favorite artists. His illustrations are masterpieces. This is a study I made of of one small section of a larger painting he made in 1941 entitled Strictly A Sharpshooter