Thursday, April 2, 2015


I seem to attract my share of weirdos and I don't know why. I was in the hardware section of the local Bi-Mart store completely focused on what I needed when I felt a presence close to me...too close. I look down and there he was: some old dude in a blue coverall suit talking to me about the "goddamn Chinese and their light bulbs and I'm not gonna buy 'em." I backed off two steps and began to quickly assess this fellow. Why is he talking to me? If I saw me in a store I would not come up to me babbling all kinds of nonsense...then he starts in with "the damn Gubmint and I'm not gonna let Obama tell me what to do...take away my guns"...blah blah blah and so forth. Should I tell him they have more nuclear weapons than they will ever need and don't need his guns? Should I tell him don't watch the news because it will just make him scared so he'll have to go out and buy things he doesn't need to make himself feel better? Sigh. I decided to tell him that it was going to be ok. That often times my mind obscures my capacity to see things clearly and what I do then is grab my pen and sketchbook, put on some nice music and relax. I looked into his watery eyes and he seemed to calm down. I told him at the very least go have a root beer float then go to the library...they have a great selection of Bach cd's free. It may have worked for as I was leaving the store he was in the office supply section looking at pencils! - 11" x 14" Uniball pen and Faber Castell Pitt big brush pens in Strathmore sketchbook

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