Saturday, December 23, 2017


11" x 8 1/2"
Uniball pen, Pentel brush pen and Faber Castell brushes in hand:book sketchbook

If you didn't have one you hopped the turnstile. Oh no, I never hopped or sprayed. Ok, I never tagged.

Friday, December 22, 2017


11" x 8 1/2"
Uniball pen, Pentel Brush pen and Kuretake Fude brush in hand:book sketchbook

People who think they know everything tend to stop thinking. They will tell you there is no such thing as magic, supernatural phenomena or intuition. Not the two detectives who went to interview the forensic psychiatrist at the Oregon State Corrections Facility for the Criminally Insane in Salem, Oregon though.

It's the same building where the movie One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest was filmed. The place had an even weirder vibe in it's real life function than in the movie.

The detectives were investigating the murder of a young woman whose body had been carved up and stabbed 27 times, then staged in a ravine choked with blackberry bushes. During the course of their investigation they had developed a credible suspect and were about to interview him when the Chief of Detectives requested they go over the case details with the state forensic psychiatrist before contacting the suspect. Profiling was in it's infancy at the time and the Chief felt that talking to the psychiatrist would help them get inside the suspects head. Although the detectives were more interested in corroborated evidence that would prove a fact rather than dabbling with psychology, an order was an order, so they went up to the facility in Salem to meet the headshrinker.

They went passed the outer barbed wire fences,in through the front door of the foreboding facility, and walked down a brightly lit long hall to the reception desk where a bespectacled man stood smiling. The dude liked like a drawing of R. Crumb. They told him they had an appointment to see the head doctor whereupon he smiled and hissed at them through his foul looking teeth "Please hand me your weapons."

Of course. Security purposes, and all.

As they both obediently reached their hands to their hips to hand over their guns the thought hit them suddenly and simultaneously as they looked at each other: That little voice inside their heads said "Huh?"

Just then an orderly came running down the hallway toward them screaming "No, No, Stop, he's a patient."

In this facility for the criminally insane all 52 patients shared the distinction of having committed the most brutal and mind bending murders. None of those run of the mill ground ball crimes of passion with these guys. And part of their rehabilitative treatment was to build their self esteem so there were no prison uniforms or jump suits issued to them. Everyone wore civilian clothing. It was tough to tell the inmates from the staff. Perhaps in time some of the staff went insane too. Who knows?

But on that day the detectives learned that psychopaths or sociopaths are both intelligent and clever.

And that you should always listen to your inner voice.