Monday, April 16, 2018


11 1/2" x 8"
Uniball pen, Faber Castell brushes and Generals white China marker in Moleskine sketchbook

My brother and I used to take the D train to 161st street for Yankee baseball games in the 1960's. In those days they were terrible but we did get to see some great players from other teams. We always sat in the cheapest seats (right field bleachers) and spent many long summer days eating hot dogs and peanuts. I preferred going to Met games at Shea stadium in Queens but I was in awe of that great ballpark in the Bronx . When you first rolled up on the subway you could see part of that luscious green outfield. Too bad the place was torn down so that the current club could play in a new stadium that had plenty of corporate sky boxes $$$. Gotta pay those salaries!