Friday, September 29, 2017


11" x 14"
MIXED MEDIA IN ProArt sketchbook
Joshua Abraham Norton (b.1815) made a $$$ fortune during the California gold rush in 1849. If that happened to you would you be happy with a fortune? Yeah, well Norton wasn't, so "in 1853 he gamboled a quarter of a million dollars on an effort to corner the rice market in San Francisco, buying and stockpiling all the available supply, and thereby artificially inflating the price. However, just as he was about to cash in, several ships laden with rice sailed into the Bay, glutting the market. Prices plummeted, and Norton went bust."
He lost everything then realized that he had an empire to rule!
Completely realized, he began telling everyone that he was Norton the First, Emperor of California. For the next 21 years he patrolled the streets of San Francisco on bicycle and foot making sure that things ran well and the vibe was happy.
Norton wore a military uniform with officer's golden epaulettes, a "tall plumed beaver hat, a sword, and a rosette."
He issued edicts, printed his own money in five and fifty cent denominations which were "accepted freely in most shops and restaurants in San Francisco." He dissolved both the Democratic and Republican parties because their existence caused "dissensions". Emperor Norton was well loved by everyone. He died in 1880 and thirty thousand loyal subjects attended his graveside service.
Some people claim he was crazy. But he freely chose to live the way he wanted to. He certainly wasn't neurotic because "simply put, neurotics are miserable because they think they are not as good as everyone else, while eccentrics know they are different and glory in it." (Source Eccentrics Dr David Weeks and Jamie James)

Wednesday, September 27, 2017


5" x 16"
Uniball pen and watercolor
I'm not a phone person mostly because I don't have much to say and I'm not interested in complaints or robocall sales pitches. Fortunately I have friends who will do all the talking when they call. I keep a sketchbook just for drawing while I'm listening. It's fun to always be drawing. Here's a recent 45 minute doodle.
The quote is by Emerson: "To be yourself in a world that's constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment".

Tuesday, September 26, 2017


11" x 14"
Mixed media in ProArt sketchbook
A while back Jonathan Twingley turned me on to Marshall's work and I have been studying it and learning a lot from it. Both Heaven Departed and Postcard from Lilydale are fantastic books of his. I'm just now getting into using mixed media and different tools other than just a brush thanks to his very instructive DVD. It really is a fun and freeing approach to making art. Anyone who is takes his class at SVA is very lucky indeed!

Monday, September 25, 2017


8 1/2" x 23"
Mixed media in Moleskine sketchbook

When I was a kid there was a woman who lived in my apartment building that everybody said was a witch.  Her name was Gloria. The laundry room of this building was in the basement and Gloria  had all of the dryers full of her clothing.  I wanted to get our laundry done and noticed that one dryer was finished,  so I emptied her clothes into a basket and carried them up to her apartment .  Her door was open and she was in the living room folding laundry, casting spells while singing along with Tito Puente music turned up full blast on the radio.

 When I looked in I saw things flying around and bizarre beings were making strange sounds.  The place was a vortex!  I heard her say "You see this too, right"?

 Before I could muster up a response everything  stopped swirling and the room returned to normal. "It's ok, cabron" she laughed.  "I know what I'm doing".

One of many woo-woo moments in my life.