Friday, December 2, 2016


 11 1/2" x 8 1/2"  Faber-Castel brushes, Speedball super black India ink and Winsor Newton Series 7 #3 brush in Canson sketchbook

I forgot that yesterday was his birthday (Nov 30, 1936 - April 12, 1989).  Can you imagine what he would have to say at age 80?

Thursday, December 1, 2016


11 1/2" x 8" Pilot Precise V5 extra fine pen and watercolor in Moleskine sketchbook.
So here is Trump's pick for Treasury Secretary: Steven Mnuchin.
What's his story?
"Mnuchin’s hedge fund also played a role in the housing crisis after it scooped up the failing California bank IndyMac in 2008. Under Mnuchin’s ownership, IndyMac foreclosed on 36,000 families, particularly elderly residents trapped in reverse mortgages. People would go to Mnuchin’s home to protest outside as they were foreclosed out of their own homes. Mnuchin was accused of running a foreclosure machine. The bank, which was renamed One West, was also accused of racially discriminatory lending practices. In 2015 Mnuchin sold a bank for $3.4 billion, $1.8 billion more than he bought it for." - Amy Goodman

Wednesday, November 30, 2016


11 1/2"x 8"  Pilot Precise V5 extra fine pen, Kuretake Fude brush and watercolor in Moleskine sketchbook

Reince Priebus and Donald Trump met Mitt Romney yesterday at Jean-Georges, a 3 star Michelin restaurant at Trump's hotel.  Romney explained what he meant during the campaign when he said  “Donald Trump is a phony, a fraud. His promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University. He’s playing the members of the American public for suckers. He gets a free ride to the White House, and all we get is a lousy hat.”

Tuesday, November 29, 2016


 18" x 24" Speedball super black India ink,
Raphael 8404 # 3 brush and Faber-Castel brushes on Strathmore paper
Made this for my pal Joshua Brandt, a hard working, fun loving entrepreneur who is a devoted Yankee baseball fan. This is your Topps baseball card buddy!