Saturday, November 25, 2017


11" x 8 1/2"
Uniball pen, Pentel brush pen and Faber Castell brush in hand:book sketchbook

"The myth that werewolves will die from a silver bullet to the heart is no myth at all. It's entirely true. If you're a good shot and have bullets made of pure silver on hand, then you should have the easiest time of anyone killing a werewolf.

The introduction of silver to the heart will stop it from beating immediately. The bullet doesn't even have to do actual damage. Actually, it doesn't even really have to be a bullet. The reason the "silver bullet" became legendary is because it is by far the easiest method of getting pure silver to reach a werewolf's heart.

Other methods of getting silver to a werewolf's heart work just as well, they are just harder to pull off. Unless a werewolf voluntarily allows you to perform open heart surgery on it with a silver scalpel, you're probably going to have a hard time getting this method to work.

A variation on the bullet-to-the-heart method would be finding a way to to introduce small pieces of silver shrapnel into the blood stream. This only works if they are able to move through the blood stream and reach the heart. Once at the heart, the smallest bit of silver will cause the heart to immediately stop beating. If the silver lodges itself in the heart, you're job is done." - source: Gods and

Friday, November 24, 2017


11 1/2" x 8"
Uniball pen, Pentel brush pen and watercolor in Stillman & Birn Zeta sketchbook

I sat in the car in the parking lot outside the store and watched two tweakers on the front porch. The tall one was scratching, jerking, chain smoking by lighting one cigarette after another with the cigarette that was almost finished, while the other one just looked like all good sense had flown out of his eyes a long time ago. Phhht, gone!

The tall one would open the front door of the store for anyone coming into the store. The old politeness trick for spare change. His eyes never stopped darting around while scanning everything.

All of a sudden a pickup truck with Montana plates rolled up and a well dressed middle aged women got out with with bags of hot food. She stepped onto the porch and spread the food out on a table. All three of them sat down and started eating. Was she a friend or relative? A social worker? Had I witnessed a random act of kindness?

Thursday, November 23, 2017


11" x 8"

Uniball pen, Pentel brush pen and Faber Castell brush in Hand:Book sketchbook

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


11 1/2" x 8"
Uniball pen, Pentel brush pen and Faber Castel brushes in Stillman & Birn Zeta sketchbook

While traveling in northern California I saw many different interesting looking people. Some were just hanging out, some were road warriors and some were just plain low down. I had two fortune cookie sheets in my wallet which I taped into my sketchbook. One says "Your sparkling eyes shed a healing spirit on those you meet", and the other read "A smile is the universal communication between two people". I noticed that when I looked and smiled at others no matter where they were in this life the day went well.

Monday, November 20, 2017


11 1/2" x 8"
Pentel brush pen and Faber Castell brushes in Stillman & Birn Zeta sketchbook