Thursday, November 1, 2018


8 1'2" x 11"
Faber - Castell brush pens in Canson sketchbook

I was sitting outside letting the warm sun sooth me...strains of Jimmie Rodgers singing Blue Yodel #9 softly drifting by in the air. Behind me I heard a voice say "Hey man" in that Worcester pahk ya cah accent.

Turning around I recognized that face but he hadn't aged and he looked just like he did 50 years ago! As I wonder how that could be he said "It's your dream, man."

I tried to get something going with him, doing a little brown nosing and sucking up by telling him I had already voted and mailed in my ballot for the upcoming mid term election. "Big deal", he said. "So you get an A plus in civics."

So I started to argue with him about the importance of voting and he said "Listen schmuck, all these assholes are the same. They preach save the earth but they take money from the gas companies. Clinton was a gangster who sold out the workers with NAFTA and hurt the brothers with his crime bill. Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize and drone bombed more innocent kids than Bush, and they all play golf with Trump. Politics ain't who you vote for, it's how you live your life."

I woke up then before I could ask him about the afterlife.

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