Tuesday, March 27, 2018


11" x 17"
Pilot Precise V5 extra fine pen in hand:book sketchbook

Being lost in a familiar city is a recurring dream I have quite often. However this time I dream that I am in Amsterdam and I'm not lost at all. I walk all over the place and realize that the landmarks Centraal Station, Dam Square and the Oude Kerk are the only places I need as navigational reference points.

As I strut around the streets I pick up snippets of conversations and even though I speak no Dutch, I completely understand what is being said. When I continue walking one stranger after another comes up to me asking for directions to this place or that. It's no problem to give them detailed instructions so that they can find the places they are looking for.

Leaning on a guardrail over looking a canal I begin to panic as it dawns on me that this is too weird. Why are these people I don't know coming up to me?

Suddenly to my left I see a woman with black hair and a hooded coat standing next to me I don't say anything to her but keep watching her with the side eye. She turns, looks me in the eye and says "The reason why is because you belong here as a helper."

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