Friday, November 24, 2017


11 1/2" x 8"
Uniball pen, Pentel brush pen and watercolor in Stillman & Birn Zeta sketchbook

I sat in the car in the parking lot outside the store and watched two tweakers on the front porch. The tall one was scratching, jerking, chain smoking by lighting one cigarette after another with the cigarette that was almost finished, while the other one just looked like all good sense had flown out of his eyes a long time ago. Phhht, gone!

The tall one would open the front door of the store for anyone coming into the store. The old politeness trick for spare change. His eyes never stopped darting around while scanning everything.

All of a sudden a pickup truck with Montana plates rolled up and a well dressed middle aged women got out with with bags of hot food. She stepped onto the porch and spread the food out on a table. All three of them sat down and started eating. Was she a friend or relative? A social worker? Had I witnessed a random act of kindness?

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