Monday, September 25, 2017


8 1/2" x 23"
Mixed media in Moleskine sketchbook

When I was a kid there was a woman who lived in my apartment building that everybody said was a witch.  Her name was Gloria. The laundry room of this building was in the basement and Gloria  had all of the dryers full of her clothing.  I wanted to get our laundry done and noticed that one dryer was finished,  so I emptied her clothes into a basket and carried them up to her apartment .  Her door was open and she was in the living room folding laundry, casting spells while singing along with Tito Puente music turned up full blast on the radio.

 When I looked in I saw things flying around and bizarre beings were making strange sounds.  The place was a vortex!  I heard her say "You see this too, right"?

 Before I could muster up a response everything  stopped swirling and the room returned to normal. "It's ok, cabron" she laughed.  "I know what I'm doing".

One of many woo-woo moments in my life.  

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