Sunday, November 12, 2017


8 1/2" X 5 "
Pentel brush pen and Fude brush pen in Strathmore sketchbook
I'm in line at a department store in Paris and the person ahead of me is the classic slow customer. He writes a check, makes a mistake, tears it up, starts another one. His pen runs out of ink. This is excruciating. Finally he finishes and it's my turn when the store clerk puts up a closed sign on the counter and goes outside for a cigarette!
Well, I'm not having it and I go outside and start yelling at the guy but he is ignoring me. Then he hands me a cigarette and says "Here, have a Gauloises."
I fire it up and, hey it's not bad. The clerk notices that I still have the store merchandise in my hand and says "keep them, they're on the house."
Then I woke up

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