Sunday, November 26, 2017


8 1/2" x 5 1/2"
Uniball pen and watercolor in Strathmore mixed media sketchbook

In this dream I find myself back in a Brooklyn neighborhood that I used to live in. Walking around I notice it looks the same as always despite the fact that I've been reading about how much gentrification has altered the place. Now it's all rich people and trust fund hipsters. As I wonder what is going on I recognize an old friend walking toward me. How can it be that he hasn't changed a bit, hasn't even aged a day since I last saw him...what, 42 years ago? We hug and laugh, and I search his face and brace myself to see if he notices how much I have aged. But he says nothing and just keeps smiling.
"Man, you haven't aged a bit. You still look the same" I tell him. "Yeah," he says. "I died in 2005."

He can see that I'm too stunned to say anything and then he says "It's cool though, they have bingo there."
We started walking along looking at the old brownstones.

Then I woke up.

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