Saturday, September 2, 2017


11 1/2" x 8 1/2"
Uniball pen and watercolor in Moleskine sketchbook
Several years ago Julie and I were sitting at a table in a restaurant across from the bar awaiting our food order. Several people were seated at the bar watching a sporting event on a television screen at the far end.
I was banging on about something or other when I noticed that Julie wasn't hearing me and had a strange look on her face. It was a look somewhere between humor and horror.
"What, I asked'?
"Over at the bar," she said.
I scanned the bar but didn't see what she was talking about
"The shirt".
When I turned and looked again I saw a man sitting there smoking a cigarette wearing a tee shirt two sizes too small. Hairy beer gut protruded from underneath the too small shirt. On the front of his shirt was posed the question: You Want Some Of This?
I wonder if it worked for him?

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