Wednesday, September 13, 2017


30" x 22"
Ink and Acrylic on Arches paper

Terry murdered Patty over money or drugs, it doesn't matter which.  Stabbed her twenty seven times.  Cause of death was exsanguination.  She once appeared to me in a dream sitting on the edge of the bed staring directly at me.  At the time I thought it was real, that she was there in the room with me.  But it must have been a dream, right?

Terry died in prison doing a life bit with a ten year tab.  Heroin overdose.  This week I dreamed that when they met in the spirit world she understood and forgave him.  He was suspicious and wondered why? She explained that compassion was they only way to end their endless cycle of suffering.  There was an angel comforting them as I woke.

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