Saturday, April 29, 2017


11" x 14"
#2B pencil, Winsor Newton Series 7 #3 brush, Dr Ph Martin Bombay black India ink and Faber Castell brushes in Pro Art sketchbook
In this dream I was taking part in a meeting with three other beings. I'm explaining why comic art and the sequential art form are wonderful ways to tell a story. These beings are looking at my like I know what I'm talking about so then I feel like I know what I'm talking about. Pretty soon I'm laying it down like it's the gospel!
One of them asks me where I'm from and I said I was from Earth, "How interesting," the being said but clearly he had no idea where Earth was. "Virgo Supercluster?" The being still had no idea. "Milky Way Galaxy?". Still no clue.
I realized I had no identity, no pose. Nobody to impress. Then I woke up.

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