Thursday, August 18, 2016


14" x 17" Ink and brush on Canson Bristol paper
" The scene at the outdoor chess tables in Washington Square Park was a melange of urban vitality and color. In contrast to the subdued, almost meditative pairings at the Brooklyn Chess Club, the park's contests were waged by a fast talking and disparate group of chess hustlers, Village bohemians, and tournament strength players who enjoyed competing in the open air, sometimes from sunup to sundown. Intriguingly, the chess tables crossed class barriers: One might find Wall Street bankers playing against homeless men from Skid Row, or Ivy Leaguers facing down high school dropouts. As for the park itself, it was an American version of a Middle Eastern bazaar, with folk singers, storytellers, beggars, political dissidents, soapbox orators, and even the occasional snake charmer. The "anything goes" atmosphere encouraged audacity and inventiveness." - ENDGAME by Dr. Frank Brady

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