Saturday, June 11, 2016


11 1/2" x 8 1/2"
Faber-Castell Pitt big brushes and Fude brush in Moleskine sketchbook.
One of my favorite writers. His book on Diego Rivera is a masterpiece. Here is a little story about him to remember if you ever get writers block :
" Moderator Pete Hamill, a journalist, editor and author, said the night that Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated in Los Angeles, he was about 5 feet from the candidate.
Hamill was so devastated by the death that he suffered writer's block for months.
He went to an old friend and big New York Democrat, Paul O'Dwyer, about his problem.
``You're not important enough to have writer's block,'' O'Dwyer said. Hamill chuckled and soon was back on the writing keys. Hamill went on to write several books, including his memoir ``A Drinking Life.''

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