Friday, December 25, 2015


8 1/2" x 5 1/2" HB pencil in Moleskine sketchbook.  Then today I inked it with Speedball super black India ink, crowquill pen and Winsor Newton Series 7 #2 brush.

I usually don't use the pencil but I find it easier to use while lying on my back. I'm only supposed to be sitting 15-30 minutes at a time while I'm healing up, so tomorrow I'll have to ink this drawing fast!

Bill Gallo was a sports cartoonist for the New York Daily news for over forty years. I love to study and learn from his work because it does more than tell a story, it touches the heart. In this drawing a fighter's handler's wouldn't stop the mismatched bout but the referee did. Gallo said "The perspective is intended to lead your eye up the boxer's body, to his head and bloody cuts. You see the compassion of the ref without even seeing his face, just by the way he's holding him, like a father would a son."

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