Friday, May 9, 2014


Here is what happened on May 7th. I wrote :

I'm so jacked up this morning. I had a vivid dream so real and weird and wonderful I had to get it down. I'm in the woods with Danny Gregory and we are calling in Tommy Kane. Turns out Kane lives in a tree. Danny knocks on the door at the base of this huge tree and Tommy's wife answers. I'm feeling sheepish and embarrassed because I don't know these people at all and it is kind of early to be knocking on doors.. Tommy's wife disappears without a word and then Kane appears in a tee shirt, underwear and hat. He looks like he just woke up. Kind of sleepy and scratchy. I figure he must be pissed off because here we are early and unannounced. Kane reaches up and gets a remote control, points it outside and says "Check this out"...he clicks...Danny turns around smiling and I see a barrage of colors fly out and turn into a giant peacock! Then I wake up and rush to my desk to draw this. Sketchbook Skool...Worth every penny!

 It was a lot of fun and we all had a day full of laughter.  The weird thing for me about this dream is that I didn't know Danny Gregory and Tommy Kane were working together at Danny's place in LA.  I pay attention to my dreams.  I keep a notebook by our bed and when I wake up from a dream I jot down single words or phrases in my sleepy state and go back to sleep.  In the morning when I get up I look at these "prompt" words and the details of the dream come back.  Sometimes I start at the end of the dream and work back.  The important thing is to write it all out.  I do this in a special Dream Journal.  Then I set about drawing a scene which tells the story.  This one came fast.  I got up at about 2:00am and finished it by 6:00pm,  color and all. When they come out fast it's great.  It's as if I just hold the pen or brush and the characters draw themselves.  I really love the Sketchbook School.  All the teachers were great, I've learned so much and most of all my fellow Klassmates are wonderful.  I love them all.

Here is the Facebook post:

Check the video:

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