Wednesday, April 2, 2014


This is a panel by Jack Kirby that I "bit" using ink on bristol board in the old school style size of 15" x 20". I like to practice by studying and copying the masters.  Although I never went to art school I found out that copying is one of the teaching methods that have been used for centuries. It is a great way to learn how to closely see and observe.  Learning how to draw is really all about learning how to see.  Of course I wouldn't try to pass off another's work as my own or sell a forged work, so I remain on solid moral and ethical ground. Copying or "biting" other artists is viewed as paying a compliment to their work. Jack Kirby was nicknamed "The King" because practically is comic book history.
For some strange reason people regard comic art as lesser than so called fine art.  In my opinion Jack Kirby's art has the power of any top fine artist.    

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