Saturday, February 9, 2019


11" x 14"
#2 Dixon pencil, Pelikan ink and Faber- Castell brush pens in
ProArt sketchbook

In this dream we were sitting at a table in a banquet hall. The place was crowded but we had good seats and a good view of the stage.

A man with an unusually large cone shaped head was sitting in front of us. He kept leaning back and bumping into our table. Once, twice, three times. I wondered what is with this guy.

He jerked back again so hard that the plates and glasses jumped and nearly fell off our table.

I could feel myself getting angry. This guy leaned back once more and I went from zero to sixty on the pissed off scale. As I jumped up to confront him I could hear my wife saying “be civil, be civil”.

I walked around to face him and froze. Although he had a most unusual and disarming face I thought I have seen this guy before

“Uh, you probably don’t realize that you are banging into our table”, I stammered.
I was transfixed as he said “Sorry about that”
I woke up, jotted down some notes on this dream then started googling. Sure enough, it was an the actor Michael Berryman.
According to Wikipedia he “was born with hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia which is a rare condition leaving him with no sweat glands, hair, or fingernails. As a result of this condition, his unusual physical appearance has allowed Berryman to make a career out of portraying characters in horror movies and B movies. He came to prominence with his roles in One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest in 1975 and The Hills Have Eyes in 1977. He has appeared in several television shows, such as episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation and The X-Files.”

Wednesday, January 2, 2019


11 1/2" x 8"
Pentel brush pen and Faber Castell pens in Moleskine sketchbook